Sunday, October 8, 2017


5/5 stars

Laxman (Salman Khan) is a mentally challenged adult who is devoted to his younger brother, Bharat (played by Khan's real life brother Sohail).  When tension breaks out on the China/India border, Bharat joins the army.  Laxman is lost without him, so a friend (Om Puri) encourages him to follow Gandhi's teachings and increase his belief.  Meanwhile, a mother (Zhu Zhu) and son (Martin Rey Tangu) of Chinese descent move to the village, creating dissension among the community.  The young boy and Laxman become good friends.  Armed with a new friend and increased faith, Laxman tries to end the war through his hope.

Khan, Tangu
This is a marvelous film about love, hope, and the bond between brothers.  The chemistry between the Khan brothers was natural and perfect.  Salman Khan played a mentally challenged man with excellence, and was simply amazing in the role.  The sets and locations were gorgeous.  The songs and choreography were also good.  Overall, this is a fantastic film that has not gotten the recognition it deserves.

Also includes a cameo by Shah Rukh Khan.

On a personal note: any movie that can make me cry just as hard the second time is a great movie!

This movie is available on Amazon Prime.

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